
The Problem & Solution

For most ride-sharing apps, college student are rising target audience. However, the current apps do not completely reflect what college students need under the condition that they have limited budget. Thus, I decided to build a ride-sharing app that better help college students find the car they need by asking their preference before their ride.

Roles & Responsibilities:

User research, wireframing, prototyping, and usability test

Project Duration:

From Oct. 2022 to Nov. 2022

Insights from listening sessions:

Some user would like to chat with the driver, but some prefer quiter environment

→ The app should enable the user to inform the driver their preferred way of interaction without telling the driver in person.

College students usually choose the cheapest type of car but tend to find out that the car does not meet her expectation after the car arrives

→ The app should recommend the car types based on user’s individual needs.

Some user feel bad to express their thoughts about the ride

→ The app should make sure that the review session is anonymous.

Competitor analysis:

People from all over the globe use different ride-sharing apps. Therefore, I include 4 different ride-sharing apps, Uber, Lyft, Cabify and Gett, from different countries in my competitor analysis. The first two apps share many features in common. They provides users with detailed information about the ride and organize the information in a consistent way. While the other two apps either provides little information or present it in an illogical way.

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For most ride-sharing apps, their original target users are business men/women, who would like to save time by using these apps. Unlike those original users, college students are more money-sensitive. Ride-sharing apps are not for daily use. Instead, they usually use ride-sharing apps only when public transportation is not available or when there is someone else to split the bill. It is important to separate college users’ needs from those business men/women’s needs because the final design should cater to our specific customers’ needs.

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User Journey:

This user journey indicate the process of taking this user from her dorm to the closest airport. My design will focus on improving the stage of “Select the car and request the ride” and “Arrive the destination” by simplifying and clarifying the information that present to the users and the actions they need to take.

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Information Architecture:

As the information architecture shows, the user flow is long and mainly linear. That is to say, users have to run through all of the steps to successfully reserve a ride. It is critical to display these big amount of information in an organized way so that they do not overwhelmed the users.

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Usability Testing: Plan

For testing the functionality of this app, I choose to use unmoderated usability test by sending out the google form and the prototype link to some of my friend. The questions are divided into four parts, including questions about first impression, task completion, overall reflection, and System Usability Scale (SUS). Here are some of my sample questions:

“Without clicking anything, please scan through the first page and briefly share your initial thoughts/feelings about what you see.”

“When you navigate to “Choose your pickup” page, try to select a better pickup spot according to the suggestion of the app. Do you feel the information on this page helpful? If not, what should be included or removed to make it more helpful?”

“What three words best describe this app?”

Usability Testing: Results

After the first round of usability testing, I collected data from four university students. Their ride-sharing experience are all based on their experience in the USA. The overall SUS is 80, which is above the average score 68, indicating the functionality of this app is better than average. Some of the feedback in open-ended questions are as follows:

“The design looks a little plain but it is very straightforward. I feel like there could be more color.”

“The coherency and simple formatting helped make the app easier to navigate.”

”I don't think a user should be able to "skip" this page since the driver may not allow pets in their car or only has a small vehicle and cannot fit over 2 carry-ons.”

“I think the suggested tipping is great since tipping culture varies in different countries. I wonder how I, as a user, can access these ratings/written comments when booking a ride though to see if I feel comfortable being with a given driver?”


My interviewees had highlighted several areas for improvement. To accommodate those pain points, I redesigned some of the panels with additional features.

1. Add detailed customization options to ensure the suitability between the user and the driver; eliminate the “skip” button because the information on this page is necessary. For example, a driver’s car may not able to accommodate more than 2 suitcases that are above 28 inch.

2. Give more instruction on how to choose a pick-up spot and what the purple illustration on the map stands for.

3. Allow the user to see the review of the driver and the opportunity to change the driver according to reviews.

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Looking Forwards

If I have more time, there are some aspects that I’d like to improve to make it a better ride-sharing app:

• Apply secondary color to create hierarchy and a more engaging user interface

• Add progress bar to visualize the progression because the booking process may be long and stressful for users

• Utilize more verbal instruction e.g. a pop-up notification in reduce confusion